Claudio Cicconetti


Name Funding Short Years
EDGELESS EC/Horizon Europe Cognitive edge-cloud with serverless computing 2023-2025
6Green EC/JU SNS Green Technologies for 5/6G Service-Based Architectures 2023-2025
QUID EC/Horizon Europe Quantum Italy Deployment 2023-2025
NQSTI NRRP National Quantum Science and Technology Institute 2023-2025
ICSC NRRP National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing 2023-2025
SERICS NRRP SEcurity and RIghts In the CyberSpace 2023-2025
HPCQS EU/JU HPC Development of an infrastructure for hybrid classical supercomputing and quantum simulation. 2021-2024
QUANCOM National/PON Development and field trial of an unconditional secure network build around a quantum cryptographic core. 2021-2023
MARVEL EC/H2020 MARVEL aspires at the convergence of a set of technologies in the areas of AI, analytics, multimodal perception, software engineering, HPC as part of an Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing Continuum paradigm, to support data-driven real-time application workflows and decision making in modern cities. 2021-2023


Only projects at CNR

Name Funding Short Years
ARTES 4.0 National National competence center on advanced robotics and enabling digital techologies & systems 2019-2022
MECPerf EC/H2020 On open interface to gather application-and network-level measurements about the performance of a Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) infrastructure and the applications that are deployed on top of it. In the project we run experiments on the NITOS of Fed4Fire+ testbed to validate MECPerf in a close-to-production environment. 2019-2020