Claudio Cicconetti

Serverless edge computing: multi-platform dispatching


  1. A Decentralized Framework for Serverless Edge Computing in the Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2020, full paper on IEEEXplore, DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2020.3023305, arXiv.
  2. An architectural framework for serverless edge computing: Design and emulation tools, IEEE CloudCom 2018, full paper on IEEEXplore, slides here, BibTeX here, DOI: 10.1109/CloudCom2018.2018.00024.

GitHub repository: Serverless on Edge

Authors: C. Cicconetti, M. Conti and A. Passarella



How to enable lightweight routing of lambda functions towards multiple platforms operating in an edge computing domain.

Key contribution

Our system model consists of clients in an edge computing domain wishing to perform computation offloading of their applications using a serverless paradigm. This means that the applications consist of a sequence of remote procedure invocations, called lambda functions, that do not require a state to be installed and maintained on the remote side. Serverless platforms are typically deployed in data centres, which means that:

  1. communication between servers is fast, cheap, and reliable
  2. computation resources can be easily scaled up/down with state-of-the-art technology (e.g., kubernetes)

Unfortunately, in an edge network both such assumptions fail miserably:

  1. communication between edge nodes may happen through (wireless) access network technologies, which have limited bandwidth and may incur significant transfer delays;
  2. since the edge devices are not (anywhere) as powerful as the application servers in a data centre and there is a (potentially) high communication overhead for synchronisation, scaling the virtual machines/containers required for the execution of lambda functions is complex and expensive.

The scientific challenge is: realising a lightweight & scalable dispatch of lambda function requests in a network made of devices with limited computational capabilities and connectivity.


We propose to achieve the above goal by inspiring from the Internet Protocol architecture. In IP the routers are in charge of forwarding the packets from their source to the destination. Since this operation must be performed as fast as possible, with some simplification, the routers decide the outgoing interface of every packet based on a highly-optimised local forwarding table. Since the network topology may change over time, such table is subject to change based on the outcome of routing protocols, whose dynamics are much much slower than those of packet forwarding.

We do something similar. In our system model we have:

The e-controller installs e-tables on the e-routers, which play the same role as the forwarding table in an IP router: every time an e-router receives a lambda function to be executed, it retrieves from the e-table the list of e-computers able to serve that function. Such e-tables much slower than the rate at which the e-routers process lambda functions. This allows the decision algorithm at every e-router to be fast and efficient, with no information being exchanged with its peers. However, every e-router continuously estimates the average latency experience by lambda requests of any given type when forwarded to every possible e-computer, so as to select the best destination next time the same lambda function will be requested. This is done by means of changing over time the weights of destinations, as shown also in the example above.

Estimation of the latency is done on a per-lambda manner because different lambdas are served by different containers on the same host: one may be overloaded while another is idle. However, if the network to reach an e-computer is congested, then all lambda functions there will experience a higher response times. Unfortunately, by mere measuring the latency a e-routers, we cannot distinguish whether a high latency happens because of congestion of network vs. computation resources. However, if the underlying network supports Software Defined Networking, the SDN controller (or any other component in charge of network monitoring) may help us in this: whenever there is congestion detection, it informs the e-controller, which in turns changes all the weights to infinity, i.e. that destination will not be considered for all its lambda functions offered. Once the network congestion resolves, the weights will be reset to an initial value.

To summarise, the interaction between network monitoring and lambda function forwarding allows to proactively respond to (temporary) network congestion before it affects the performance of the serverless services in use, whereas we rely on distributed passive probing and measurement on e-routers to reactively respond to (temporary) overload of the computation resources of e-computers.


As the number of e-computers in an edge computing domain grows, the size of the tables in the e-routers increase (linearly). This can become an issue if the e-routers are deployed on resource-limited devices, because of the delay introduced by the table lookup operation.

We have performed measurements on a Raspberry 3, which shows that the issue becomes non-neglible after a few thousands of entries, as can be seen in the following plot (which shows the number of dispatches per second an e-router can do on RPi3, full details on available in the IEEE Trans. on Netw. and Service Manag. paper):

RPi3 scalability experiments

To overcome this possible limitation, we have proposed to use a two-tier hierarchical dispatching scheme: the e-router tables may contain entries not only towards e-computers (i.e., the final destination of a lambda function invocation) but also towards are e-routers, which will, in turn, forward to the final destination.

Integration with ETSI MEC

We have studied how to integrate the proposed solution within the ETSI Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) architecture:

ETSI MEC integration

A prototype of the implementation, currently limited to the Mx2 interface, is available as open source on GitHub as uiiit::etsimec.

Integration with Apache OpenWhisk

We have developed proxy modules to allow Apache OpenWhisk applications to invoke lambda functions, which are then dispatched to one of multiple serverless systems in an edge computing domain, with no changes, see this page in the Serverless on Edge framework.



Performance evaluation on an emulated network in several topologies:

Tools used:

Short demo on YouTube, also showing how a real e-computer (with face/eyes detection) can be reached within the emulated mininet environment from an external serverless client.

We have implemented three policies in the e-router for destination selection, all tested in emulation experiments:

Main findings

  1. The proposed solution adapts well to fast changing computational load conditions.
    • In particular, the round-robin policy achieves short- and long-term fairness
  2. It is possible to combat temporary network congestion events y interacting with the underlying SDN controller.
  3. Lambda function dispatching is lightweight enough to be implementd on resource-constrained devices, with negligible performance impact with several serverless platforms (i.e., e-computers).
    • With e-routing functions deployed on RPi3 device and several thousands of platforms there can be a non-negligible extra delay at the application layer, which can be reduced by adopting a two-tier hierarchical dispatching scheme.

Future research directions