Claudio Cicconetti

Short bio

I have a PhD in Information Engineering from the University of Pisa (2007), where I also received my Laurea degree in Computer Science Engineering. I have been working in Intecs from 2009 to 2013 as an R&D Manager and a Business Unit leader within the Telecommunications division, where I also acted as the official contact for ETSI and Net!Works. From 2014 to 2018 I have been a software engineer at MBI working on the design, development, validation, and operation of Software Defined Radio powered satellite communication platforms. I am now a Researcher in the Ubiquitous Internet group of IIT-CNR, where I am the head of the |Quantum⟩ lab since 2022. I have been the project manager of projects FP7 CROWD and ESA SAT4NET, and I have been involved in FP7 projects SANDRA and MOTO, FP6 project EuQoS, Celtic WINNER+, and other national R&D projects (QuaSAR, NADIR, IPERMOB, ARTES 4.0, QUANCOM). I am currently involved in H2020 project MARVEL and Horizon Europe projects EDGELESS (where I am the scientific manager), 6Green, HPCQS, and QUID; I participate to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) in three initiatives: ICSC national centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI), and SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace (SERICS). In 2021 I have been the recipient, with Prof. Enzo Mingozzi, of a research grant awarded by the Networking Team at Facebook. In 2023 I won the Quantum Internet Application Challenge organized by the Quantum Internet Alliance with qperf. I am an editor of the IEEE Networking Letters and a member of the program committee of several international conferences (including IEEE PerCom, IEEE WoWMoM, IEEE ISCC, IEEE WCNC, ACM CCgrid). I co-authored 80+ papers published in international journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings and book chapters, and two international patents, with an h-index of 28 (Google scholar). I have an Erdös number of three and a Dijkstra number of four.
